Justice with John Carpay
John Carpay, founder and president of The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, talks about the issues--legal, political and cultural--that concern him most. The Justice Centre (website jccf.ca) has been going strong for ten years, so there is a lot to discuss. With facilitator and producer Kevin Steel, each week John will bring you up to date on the latest, as well as provide insights about the law and the fight for freedom.
Justice with John Carpay
Justice with John Carpay Ep. 7
The topic for the first half is a case involving the banning of a film, Killing Europe, from the Ottawa Public Library. But legally, there isn't much to discuss, so we get to talk about the film instead. The second half of the show is dedicated to Christie Blatchford, recently deceased Canadian journalist and recipient of the Justice Centre's 2019 George Jonas Award.
Justice Centre Active Cases: Weld v. Ottawa Public Library
John Carpay in The Post Millenial, Sep 2019: ‘Killing Europe’ and killing politically incorrect expression
OAN on Youtube, May 21, 2018: Death of Free Speech in Canada (Interview with "Killing Europe" producer Michael Hansen)
The Telegraph, Dec 19, 2019: JK Rowling declares 'sex is real' in defiance of landmark employment court transgender ruling
DutchNews, Jun 25, 2019: Wilders’ appeal in anti-Moroccan due to restart, despite interference claims
DW Akademie, Dec 23, 2005: No Room for Holocaust Denial in Germany
DW Akademie, Jul 2, 2016: French parliament votes to criminalize denial of Armenian genocide
Daily Mail, Oct 25, 2018: Woman’s conviction in Austria for calling the Prophet Mohammed a paedophile did not breach her right to free speech, European Court of Human Rights rules
Alliance Defending Freedom International
The Irish Times, Feb 12, 2005: Pastor cleared over anti-gay sermon
Justice Centre News Release, Feb 12, 2020: Justice Centre pays tribute to Christie Blatchford; video of her 2019 speech
George Jonas in The National Post, Feb 28, 2012: Supreme Court ruling puts final nail in the coffin of religious freedom
CBC, Jun 13, 2019: MP Cooper's statements on NZ attacker will be purged from the official record
Toronto Star, Oct 27, 2018: New York Review of Books publishes responses to controversial Jian Ghomeshi essay
Patrick Witt in the Boston Globe, Nov 3, 2014: A sexual harassment policy that nearly ruined my life
Ottawa Citizen, Dec 19, 2019: Former Afghanistan hostage Joshua Boyle found not guilty on all counts
Theme music "Carpay Diem" by Dave Stevens