Justice with John Carpay
John Carpay, founder and president of The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, talks about the issues--legal, political and cultural--that concern him most. The Justice Centre (website jccf.ca) has been going strong for ten years, so there is a lot to discuss. With facilitator and producer Kevin Steel, each week John will bring you up to date on the latest, as well as provide insights about the law and the fight for freedom.
Justice with John Carpay
Climate Change Charter Rights?
We discuss a recent Ontario Court of Appeal decision, Mathur v. Ontario, which was the subject of a recent National Post column by Jamie Sarkonak. In this case, a group of teenagers had gone after the Ford government when it lowered the CO2 targets created by the previous government. The kids claimed the change in government policy violated their Charter rights by endangering the future. The teenagers lost the first round, but now the Appeal Court has ordered a new trial, indirectly suggesting they might have a right to a stable climate.
Court of Appeal for Ontario, Oct 17, 2024: Mather v. Ontario
Jamie Sarkonak in the National Post, Oct 22, 2024: Court says lack of economy-killing climate targets may violate the Charter
Supreme Court of Canada, Apr 2, 2024: Vriend v. Alberta
Friends of Science, Aug 6, 2019: Alligators in Alaska
Ken Gregory in Friends of Science, Jun 14, 2024: Climate Sensitivity by Energy Balance with Urban and Natural Warming (PDF)
CanLII, Jun 20, 2024: Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act, SC 2018, c 12, s 186
Supreme Court of Canada, May 25, 2021: References re Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act
Financial Times, Feb 21, 2015: Chairman of climate change panel accused of sexual harassment
Wikipedia: Rajendra K. Pachauri
BBC, Feb 24, 2015: Profile: Climate chief Rajendra Pachauri
Carbon Brief, Jan 12, 2023: Tonga volcano eruption raises ‘imminent’ risk of temporary 1.5C breach
Watts Up With That?, Aug 24, 2024: Climate Change Weekly #516: Hunga Tonga Eruption Behind “Record” Warming
Kenneth P. Green, Fraser Institute Bulletin, Apr 2024: Extreme Weather and Climate Change (PDF)
CanLII, Sep 9, 2021: O.M.S. v E.J.S., 2021 SKQB 243 (Ruling by M.T. Megaw)
Justice Centre Concluded Case, May 11, 2023: Trinity Bible Chapel, et al. v. Ontario
Theme Music "Carpay Diem" by Dave Stevens