Justice with John Carpay
John Carpay, founder and president of The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, talks about the issues--legal, political and cultural--that concern him most. The Justice Centre (website jccf.ca) has been going strong for ten years, so there is a lot to discuss. With facilitator and producer Kevin Steel, each week John will bring you up to date on the latest, as well as provide insights about the law and the fight for freedom.
Justice with John Carpay
S04E02 Another Institution Captured?
Kevin is joined by Justice Centre lawyer Glenn Blackett who discusses his column about the Law Society of Alberta. Last year, the LSA forced its members, on penalty of losing their ability to practice law, to take a course on indigenous culture. Glenn describes the problems he sees with it and says this is a sign of institutional capture. He draws parallels between the LSA re-education and what is happening to Jordan Peterson in Ontario.
Glenn Blackett in the Western Standard, Jan 17, 2023: Wokeness captures Alberta's law society
Longer version
Glenn Blackett in the Dorchester Review, Jan 18, 2023: Woke Indigeneity Grips Alberta's Law Society
Law Society of Alberta
LSA, Sep 20, 2022: Reminder to Complete the Indigenous Cultural Competency Education Requirement
CanLII, Apr 23, 1999: R. v. Gladue, 1999
CanLII, Mar 30, 2017: Green v. Law Society of Manitoba, 2017
IMdB: What Killed Michael Brown?
The Daily Signal, Oct 30, 2020: What Killed Michael Brown? It’s Not What You’ve Been Told
StopSOP website
Good Reads: The Wealth of First Nations by Tom Flanagan
Infogalactic: Hernando de Soto Polar
Conrad Black in The National Post via MSN, Jan 14, 2023: Jordan Peterson is only the beginning — professional organizations come for us all
Christopher Dummitt in The National Post, Jan 12, 2023: Jordan Peterson will be ok, it’s the rest of us who need to worry
Spectator Australia, Jan 13, 2023: Jordan Peterson: go to Camp Woke for re-education or ‘die’
The American Spectator, Jan 7, 2023: Institutional Capture: It Can Happen Here--My former employer has gone the way of all leftist-led colleges
Theme Music "Carpay Diem" by Dave Stevens