Justice with John Carpay
John Carpay, founder and president of The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, talks about the issues--legal, political and cultural--that concern him most. The Justice Centre (website jccf.ca) has been going strong for ten years, so there is a lot to discuss. With facilitator and producer Kevin Steel, each week John will bring you up to date on the latest, as well as provide insights about the law and the fight for freedom.
Justice with John Carpay
S02E36 The Manitoba Lockdown Decision
Allison Pejovic, lead lawyer on the Manitoba lockdown case, joins Kevin to discuss the October 21 decision in favour of the government and its lockdowns. She goes over the evidence, speaks about her experiences during the trial, and raises points that could provide grounds for appeal.
Justice Centre News Release, Oct 21, 2021: Manitoba Chief Justice rules Public Health Officials shouldn’t be “second guessed”
Direct link to the decision under discussion in the podcast PDF
UPDATE: All court documents for the Manitoba case (affidavits, replies, cross-exam summaries), now posted here
Justice Centre Video, Oct 22, 2021: Canada’s Freedom Fighters: Canadians Resisting Unconstitutional Lockdowns
Direct link on Rumble
CBC, Dec 8, 2020: Manitoba extends COVID-19 restrictions through holidays, but exempts drive-in events and more
Thomas Sutton on Youtube, Oct 30, 2020: Dr. Tony Fauci - PCR cycles (35 cycles)
Principia Scientific, Dec 17, 2020: WHO Finally Admits COVID19 PCR Test Has A ‘Problem’
FDA, Jan 4, 2021: Risk of False Results with the Curative SARS-Cov-2 Test for COVID-19
WHO, Apr 16, 2020: International Guidelines For Certification and Classification (Coding) of COVID-19 as Cause of Death PDF
AHRP, Jan 28, 2021: German Court in Weimar Declares Lockdown Unconstitutional
Agence France-Presse via Courthouse News, Nov 9, 2020: Court Tears Up Mask Rule in Germany’s Dusseldorf
The Portugal News, Nov 27, 2020: Covid PCR test reliability doubtful – Portugal judges
Medic Debate, Apr 2, 2021: Austrian court overturns judgment: PCR test not suitable for diagnosis
Washington Free Beacon, Jun 4, 2021: Newsom Hit With Major Settlement Over COVID Lockdowns on Churches
Daily Mail, Nov 26, 2020: Supreme Court rules in favor of Christian and Jewish groups who challenged New York's COVID restrictions on religious gatherings, as new Justice Amy Coney Barrett joins 5-4 majority in her first public vote
Theme Music "Carpay Diem" by Dave Stevens