Justice with John Carpay

S03E40 Cross Country Cases

The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms Season 3 Episode 40

Justice Centre Litigation Director Marty Moore takes us across the country, west to east, highlighting some of the Centre's courtroom activity in each province. At the very end, he drops a bombshell about a case, already well underway, where several applicants are challenging the invocation of the Emergencies Act. Some of the witnesses appearing before the Public Order Emergency Commission have already been questioned under oath in that case by lawyers like Brendan Miller, working for the Justice Centre.

Justice Centre Active Cases

Note: Links below do not cover all the cases discussed.

Beaudoin et al v. British Columbia and Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry

R. v. Koopman - Pastor Koopman and the Free Reformed Church of Chilliwack

BC College of Nurses and Midwives v. Amy Hamm

Servatius v. School District 70 (Alberni)

Annette Lewis v. AHS, ABC Hospital, doctors who cannot be named

Heights Baptist Church, Northside Baptist Church et al. v. Alberta and The Chief Medical Officer of Health

Achen, Grobler, Jomha, May v. Alberta Health Services

Dr. Francis Christian v. Saskatchewan Health Authority, the College of Medicine, et. al.
Grandel v. Saskatchewan

Gateway Bible Baptist Church, Pembina Valley Baptist Church, et al. v. Manitoba and Chief Public Health Officer Dr. Brent Roussin

Burjoski v. Waterloo Region District School Board

Hearing for Ontario vaccine passports postponed

Québec church files legal action against vaccine passport

The Justice Centre sues the Montreal public transit authority for censorship

Justice Centre brings legal challenge against ArriveCAN and quarantine measures

Justice Centre fights Fed’s request to throw out travel ban lawsuit

Theme Music "Carpay Diem" by Dave Stevens

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